Spice – What are those spices


I was organizing and labeling my spices cabinet when I run into those two spices that I cannot recognize. I'm assuming one of them is fenugreek. I'm quite sure I bought them when I had 'Indian cuisine' phase.

Cropped & sharpened
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Original – click for full size.
Seeds I don't recognize

The left item seems looks and feels like a chopped peanuts or bark. However it has a onion-like/garlic-like smell with some earth or bark component.

Best Answer

Agree that stuff on the right is fenugreek.

The stuff on the left is asafoetida.

asafoetida chips


Asafoetida is a resin and is sometimes sold in chips as depicted. It smells strongly like onions or garlic which would not be true for any nut.