The name of this french food


One of my friends is in Paris (France), and he posted this photo from a restaurant there . Does anyone know the name of this dish ?

enter image description here

Best Answer

If it is a french dish (they have other cuisines in Paris, yeah?) then it is likely to be a mix of poached (baby) vegetables, with or without some poached protein (fish or fowl). No fruit. These delicate veg dishes are prolific, hard to cook cos they depend on a carefully crafted stock and best quality veg (& little else, bar the molecular gastronomy nonsense foam). They can be a revelation in taste if done well and expertly, otherwise they look and taste like the remnants of stock-making day, that over boiled sludge in the bottom of your colander.

I doubt this dish has a name, as such. Obviously the menu named it, but in Larousse I'm guessing it would be just the standard poached veg.