The use of oil in this recipe? Can I do without


I have made this caramelized nuts recipe (here, it's in french), which contains olive oil.

The taste is good, but since it's something you eat with your fingers, they get all greasy quite fast.

  • Why is the recipe suggesting to use oil?
  • Could I do without using it or it would break some kind of chemistry or something?


  • 4 cups of cashew
  • 1/2 cup of honey
  • 2 table spoons sriracha sauce
  • 2 table spoons of olive oil
  • 1 table spoon of ginger


  1. Pre-heat the oven (350ºF)
  2. Mix everything but the nuts together
  3. Pour sauce over the nuts, and mix
  4. Spread the nuts evenly on a baking sheet covered in parchment paper
  5. Cook in oven for 10 to 15 minutes, mixing once or twice
  6. Let cool down, and eat!

Best Answer

I just looked at 10 different recipes for caramelized nuts, and of those 10, not a single one called for oil. That being the case, I think you're fine skipping the oil. If it doesn't seem liquid enough, warm it up before pouring. If you try it, be sure to come back and let us know how it goes!