Vegetables – Differences Between Cooking Vegetable Curries in a Pressure Cooker and a Wok


Is the difference only w.r.t time consumed?
Is it better (in terms of taste) to cook vegetable curries in a Kadhai rather than a pressure cooker?

Q: Do the spices change their taste when cooked in Kadhai versus pressure cooker?

Best Answer

What gives spices their flavors are the oils that they contain, along with any water soluble flavors that they might have. In a pressure cooker, your food will cook hot. What that means to your spices will vary as certain spices could grow more bitter or sweeter depending on the compounds inside them. Conventional wisdom says that pressure cooking concentrates the flavors, although that would seem to fly in the face of physics as you aren't reducing while pressure cooking, you are just heating steam at a higher atmosphere to transfer more heat to the food faster.

As for texture, use the one that you like.