What green tea has the highest caffeine content


How do these teas rank by caffeine content: Japanese dragon pearls, Matcha organic green tea, and gyokura imperial green tea? Is there any green tea with more than the ones in that list?

PS: Is it possible to get an antioxidant rating too? ie these teas rated by antioxidant levels, and if there are any other teas with stronger antioxidant levels, thanks!

Best Answer

I have no idea about what the absolute strongest teas are, but all three of the things you mentioned appear to have caffeine and antioxidant ratings here: Gyokuro Imperial Green Tea Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls Green Tea Matcha Japanese Green Tea

I suppose that establishes a rough ordering - matcha is strong, the imperial green is next, and the pearls are last. But I'd take it all with big spoonful of salt; there's tons of variation even within a specific variety, and you can get lots of different kinds of matcha, lots of kinds of tea made into pearls, and so on.