What’s 香茜 or 芫荽 in English


Many Hong Kong Cuisine restaurants use 香茜 or 芫荽 in soup dishes. Please see the picture below.

  1. Are 香茜 or 芫荽 the same species of plant?

  2. What's the correct English translation? I'm hankering to buy it in the USA. Different Hong Kong waiters translate it differently, and coriander, cilantro, and/or parsley have all been postulated. But aren't coriander, cilantro, parsley different species?

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(Source: 鱼翅海鲜灌汤饺.)

Best Answer

Googling 香茜 ("Wu Chinese") and 芫荽 ("Chinese") yields the wikipedia page for coriander in both cases. Coriander is also known as cilantro in parts of the world, which causes some confusion with culantro. Parsley is a different plant.