Basement – How to address the issue of a vertical window that was installed horizontally


I assigned a contractor to install a new window at basement.
I bought the window 33×40 and material with the contractor in Home Depot. The contractor cut the wall and installed well.

Two days later I showed it to friends and found a lot water when i opened it and it was difficult to close. When e checked the window label i found "install vertically only".

In advance of starting, I said to position it horizontal since the Home Depot window associate said that the window can be horizontal or vertical.

Now, the contractor said that this is my responsibility, and he could come back to drill holes for drainage.

I am wondering if it's enough as a repair, and if it's a problem when to sell the house.

Best Answer

Any contractor worth his hammer would've noticed that and brought it to your attention. The window needs to be replaced or installed vertically as intended. Whether he's liable is a contractual issue and off-topic here.

Drainage holes are not an adequate solution. The window will not continue to operate well over time. The hardware isn't designed for sideways loading. Nor are the weather seals, as you've discovered. For these reasons it may well be an issue at sale time in addition to being an operational and weather issue.

Best of luck.