Basement – Ramset nails not flush with basement frame wall


I built my first wall in my basement when I started to frame and I bought the Ramset MasterShot 0.22 gun from Home Depot and read up on everything and when I used it to nail my treated 2×4 to the cement the nails don't seem to go down all the way.

Here is a picture of how far they go.
enter image description here

I'm using the yellow powder which should be plenty powerful enough and the 2 1/2 nails which are meant for nailing 2×4 to concrete.

Best Answer

These nails are not meant to sink even with the wood. If your framing is done right these nails should provide nothing more than bump resistance for the wall. Your framing should be very snug to joists and let the wood get itself straight. Meaning that the nails at the plates don't do much.

When I am framing a basement I usually put in 3 per 8' board. I would be happy with your depth and would want it no more than an inch in concrete. Meaning the wall isn't moving any, but if someone needs to take the wall up they can do so with a prybar or hammer. If your bottom plate doesn't wiggle and you can kick it you are good.

Note: I have my guys send pics of framing when I am not at site and if they sent me yours I would be happy (well not happy with close-up but happy with nail depth)

If you look at the picture below from the Ramset guide. Your installation is a normal removable installation. And there is no way a basement wall should be permanent. Also not that the fastening power is actually created from the heat produced during the shot.

enter image description here