Basement – Will fasteners straighten a pressure treated bottom plate


I am framing a basement and have been working at my own pace. Because of this some of the pressure treated boards I purchased have developed a twist to them.

I don't want to go through all the trouble of framing a portion and securing it and having it not come out correctly.

When I fasten the frame to the foundation will it straighten out the green board? Is this something I should even worry about?

Best Answer

It's not really a concern within reason. I wouldn't try to use a board with more than a 3/4" lift. Cut those up and use them in shorter walls, or simply cut them into sections between studs and fasten them to the slab appropriately.

You haven't said what type of fasteners you're using, but most will flatting the plates out if you also apply pressure to the plate as you attach it. Even white lumber often has slight twists, and it's not really a problem.

You also have pressure from above to work with in many cases. Cut your studs accurately and let the joists force the wall down.