Best way to join two vertical aluminium poles


I currently have an aluminium (aluminum?) pole that's about 1"1/8 across, and it's embedded into concrete. I need this pole taller, and can acquire exactly the same spec pipe in any length to do this.

The pipe doesn't need to be directly end-to-end (there's nothing flowing through), but it should keep its position very well. There will be a slight load (~1kg) on this additional section, but not much. I cannot weld this pipe, but I can drill it or otherwise modify it.

What's my best option here? I've had three so far, and I'm not sure any are what I'm after.

  1. Drill and attach side 'plates' with bolts through.
  2. Find a pipe as near to the internal diameter as possible, and drill through the outer and inner pipes with bolts.
  3. Stagger the pipes, drilling and applying bolts the whole width.

Here are some quick visualisations of these:

Pipe visualisations

Are there options I'm missing to do this, perhaps?

For reference, the pipe is similar to this:

Aluminium pipe image

Best Answer

This gets close to opinion, but I'd lean toward the internal sleeve. It can be extra long without being unsightly, which will give a bit more strength.

The external plates would probably be fine.

Unless you could overlap option 3 quite a bit (>12" is what my intuition specifies), it doesn't strike me as being as strong.