Build a dry room in a moist garage


I have a garage that lies in sloped terrain with the back wall almost fully below ground level. The garage is very moist, probably because of water seeping through the walls and floor.

I would like to build a small metalworking shop in the back of the garage. The shop would need to be reasonably dry to avoid rust on equipment. I have thought about building the shop almost like a shed within the garage, with a few inches of air between the garage walls and floor and the shed. The shed will have to be insulated because of temperatures below freezing in the winter.

Is this at all possible without digging around the outside of the walls and fixing the drainage?

Best Answer

This might not be the answer you are looking for, but depending on the amount of moisture in the garage, why don't you just run a de-humidifier? I have one running in my basement, which gets very damp without it. I bought the one with the smallest container, since I'm bypassing the bucket with a garden hose straight to the floor drain. I have mine set a little high at 70% since that seems to be the threshold to the bad smell that comes from a musty basement.

If you get a newer, more energy efficient model, you will save money on your electric bill. Not to mention, it will probably be cheaper than your other alternatives.