Build a gravel driveway over sand


There is a large quantity of sand where I would like to build a gravel drive. The sand is not super deep, only an inch or two at its deepest points, but I cannot find any quick way to remove it. Much of it is compacted as well. I was considering just dumping 4 inches of #8 gravel on top of this sand base, which like I said, seems quite stable even in the rain. My big questions are:

Will dumping this gravel over the sand weight it down and stop the sand from blowing around when it gets windy? I'm trying to keep sand from getting all over my cars.

Are there any inherent problems with doing this? (Note: I don't need this driveway to last forever, a couple years of life would be just fine)

Any other suggestions?

Thanks for any assistance!

Best Answer

For me living in the desert a sand yard is pretty common. Putting gravel on top of the sand here to add a bit of firmness is also common.
So as previously commented how much sand and what is under it will affect success and how long it lasts before sand comes through (if it does). The gravel will work into the sand, but this is not bad at all (concrete is sand, gravel and a cement, 2 out of the 3).
Two factors on how long it lasts before the sand does appear on top again will depend on water content, how much gravel is laid, how thick the sand is and compaction.
To start your effort, water the sand well and give it a day or so to soak and harden. If a compaction machine is available compact it when damp.
Lay your gravel on top, wet and compact it.