Can this 35lb mirror mount on this wall


To mount a 35lb wood framed antique mirror, I got 4" long concrete screws on recommendation from someone. They're 200lb load screws. The wall is above a fireplace and has half an inch of plaster followed underneath by concrete or possibly brick (we're not sure). Looked more like concrete, not really red.

So that's about 3" that are in the concrete, 5/8" of that is only in plaster and there's about a 1/4" sticking out and kind of hovering in a slightly oversized drill hole. I've included photos.

Should I fill in those gaps in the drill hole with spackle? Something else? Or just leave it because those screws are secure enough to hold the mirror?
Left screw
Right screw

Best Answer

Those apear to be Tapcon type screws with 2 there should be no problem supporting the load. I would probably add a washer to each screw so the wire cannot jump off the head if the mirror is adjusted. I would not worry about trying to fill the hole around the shaft of the screw it will support the load and if filled when removing the screw at a later date it may break the plaster.