Concrete – How to hang a projector screen from a thin horizontal part of slightly curved ceiling


I have a brick wall in front of which I want to hang a projector screen. Here is an image of a typical projector screen that I am looking to buy:
Image of projector screen

The part of my ceiling near the wall is curved(the ceiling becomes horizontal only in the middle part of the room), however there is a thin horizontal part(3 inches thick/wide, where I mean thickness as the perpendicular distance of the outer tip from the brickwall, see image for clarification; the actual depth of concrete or vertical thickness is much more) of the ceiling that directly joins the wall, see the following pictures:

Picture of the wall

Explaing the curvature of the ceiling

I don't have any DIY experience before this, so please help me go through the steps. From what I have researched on the internet, I think I should install two hangers along with S-type hooks on that 3-inch part of the ceiling using sleeve anchors, and then hang my projector screen using those two hooks. The screen should be between 15 to 20 pounds in weight. Am I correct in my basic plan? Or should I hang it from the brick wall? What kind of equipments will I need for this job?

This is a university apartment, and I would like this job to have as little damage as possible(I would ideally like to remove or at least hide/paint the screws when I leave the apartment eventually). As I said, I have not done any drilling/hanging before, and will have to buy all equipments afresh(I don't even have a driller with me), so a detailed walkthrough of the process would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

For a damage-free install, I would forget about screwing anything in to the wall or ceiling. Make a free-standing frame out of lumber.