Concrete – Will this arrangement of bricks be a good base for a concrete floor for a garden shed


I am building a 6ft x 4ft garden shed which will have a concrete base.

I've levelled some ground, built a frame, and made a floor out of old bricks.

enter image description here
enter image description here

The ground is fairly clay-heavy. I've been stamping down on the bricks and they seem stable. Cement will be about 6-9cm from the top of the bricks to the top of the frame. There is a few millimetres of gap between the bricks, I imagine the cement will not flow between them and hence it will be kept clear of pooling water. The bricks are partially above and partially below the level of the surrounding soil.

I haven't worked with cement before but based on what I've read I believe this will work.

Can you see any problems? Is there anything missing? Do I still need grit? Rebar? Or is it okay to just go ahead and pour?

Best Answer

I’m no expert but it looks like you’ve made a good job for your shed base and will be more than substantial for a 6x4 shed. When you talk about ‘cement’ you mean concrete? So that’s cement with aggregate in for strength. If the wooden surround is level from side to side, once filled you’ll be able to strickle across to produce a smooth and level surface (or sloping fractionally for drainage?). Regardless of the underling surface the shed should go onto a slight wooden frame (use tanilised wood) to raise it slightly to avoid the base of the shed from rotting. Once your concrete base is finished and the surrounding ground levelled (or whatever you intend doing with it), see how the water drains and this will determine the height the shed needs to be raised. Usually this is only 2-3cm. Good Luck!