Doors – Installing door in 2×6 wall (drywall only on 1 side)


Renovating my basement and I have 3 doors to install. Planning to install 2 prehung doors in the first 2 locations (2×4 walls with drywall on both sides).

Not sure what to do about the 3rd. It will go in a 2×6 wall leading to a workshop that will remain unfinished (no drywall). I want the door to swing into this space. Is this a case where I need to purchase a slab door and do the framing myself?

I know you can install jamb extensions for a 2×6 wall. But if I go with the prehung, should I just fasten the casing to the unfinished studs in the workshop?

Best Answer

For #3, I'd buy a prehung door with a 6-1/2" jamb (normal for 2x6 construction) and set the jamb 1/2" proud into the workshop. This makes it easy to add drywall to the workshop in the future if desired. (And personally, I'd skip casing entirely since you're at bare studs in the workshop. If you had to have casing, I'd butt it against the jamb instead of overlap it.)

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