Doors – tool I can use to cut out the templates for door hardware


I just bought some new hardware (knobs and latches) for the interior doors of my house. Currently the latches look something like this:


And the new latches look something like this (at least the square shape, though I realize this particular latch looks like its for an exterior door):

Latch plate

The problem is the second latch (the one that i bought) does not fit INTO the door frame. In otherwords, I can put the latch on but then its wont be flush with the door because apparently that square metal plate on the end is supposed to go INTO the door, so that the face of it is flush with the side of the door. I want a tool that can cut into the door so that the hardware will be flush with the door. I dont want to use a chisel because Im not a carpenter and Im not experienced with carpentry so I just want to make it as simple as possible. I've heard you can do such a thing with a router if you have the right bit and some templates but I dont have a router so I wonder if there is some other way?

So ultimately Id like to know if theres some tool I can use to do what Im trying to do and what that tool is called (or what my options are)?

edit —

Just found out about the Ryobi door latch installation kit from home depot. Thoughts on that?

Best Answer

A router (along with a special guide) can be used to cut part of the inset you need, but is not the easiest tool to use if you are not experienced, and it does not cut square corners, which still require a chisel to finish.

Using a chisel does take care and practice, but it is not beyond the reach of even an amateur if you are willing to do a test piece first and then go very slowly.

You need to draw the opening with a sharp pencil (or and awl). Many people use a utility knife to cut the outline to slightly deeper than needed, then use a small, sharp chisel, following the grain of the wood (in this case toward the top and bottom, not across the door) taking very thin layers out until you are deep enough.

It does not need to be perfectly flat at the bottom of the channel, just the right depth at the ends with no high spots in between.

If you practice on a scrap of wood first, you may be surprised that you can do it.