Doors – What’s the widest two-by size for a door frame I can use without warping becoming an issue


In order to be able to connect the outside (brick/masonry) and inside (lumber framing) structural elements, I need to use 2×10, anything shallower won't do. However, I'm reluctant to use lumber that wide as, in my experience, the wider it is (the width in 2xX being X), the more prone to warping it gets and I certainly don't want that for my entry door frame.

Is 2×10 okay to frame an entry door? Is my observation about the relationship between width and warping correct?

Best Answer

You are correct for the most part if buying what is in stock at big box. However if you have a local lumberyard that can get you something comparable to kiln dried SPF, I have never had an issue - or maybe 1 issue in 20 years.

I do recognize your statement though because if I do buy 2x10/12s from big box half of them will go back with a few days - I way over buy because of this. If you are worried about them warping after install then you should cross block the gap every foot or so and brace it in.

I have had to do many many doors with 10by lumber. I just make sure I buy good wood from lumberyard and get it installed within a day or two of buying. I am not sure really what alternatives you have because I am assuming the door is load bearing. I mean you could go with an LVL that is rated for vertical install and have them rip it to 10" - this seems to be way way overdoing it but just giving you a "perfect" option.