Drywall – Difficulty/Cost to repair drywall from tv mount


So I have wall mounted a very large TV and my wall currently has a 1 foot x 1 foot hole that I used to install an outlet for power, there are like 8 holes in the wall, and then a 6" x 6" hole toward the bottom of the wall where my cables exit the wall.

I'm looking to sell my home within a couple of years and I would like the wall to look as new as possible. What method is done to do this and will my wall look like it has undergone a repair or is it possible to have a nearly invisible repair done?

I still have the original pieces of drywall, but I have no experience in repairing anything like this.

Best Answer

If you have the willingness, then you can do it yourself. And, you'll get experience to use in the future.

Well I started describing what you need to do, but it was getting too long. And, I realized that you can find lots of video on this if you Google "drywall repair". So I think your best bet is to do that. Seeing it done is a lot more informative that reading about doing it.