Drywall – How to temporarily close an arched interior passageway


I need to close an opening and I am not sure the best way to do it.

The goals are

  • Low cost
  • Good sound insulation
  • Easy to take apart with minimal damage to the existing walls.

It doesn't have to look perfect

this is the opening, note the curved top

edit: my original thought was to attach drywall panel to each side of the opening (bout 7 inch apart) and to screw them to the preexisting frame without using additional studs. To remove, unscrew the screws, fill with mud and paint again. what do you think of this solution?

edit: task mostly done. I probably need to paint it or hide it behind a curtain. but is is up and block sounds pretty well. I used the two plywood system of the selected answer without weather striping.

I have also cut the plywood to smaller pieces for easier handling
enter image description here

Best Answer

I would take two sheets of plywood or similar material, cut slightly larger than the opening, place one on either side, and use a few big bolts & nuts driven through to pull the panels towards each other. The tension from the bolts will hold the contraption in place; some weatherstripping or the like on the edges will create a better seal and protect your walls. You can fill the inside cavity with fiberglass insulation and paint the wood the same color as your walls.