Drywall – install a second layer of drywall on the bathroom ceiling to refresh the surface


I am redoing a bathroom, converting a tub to a shower and I plan to install green-board above. The existing 1/2" drywall has some issues (flaking paint, nail pops). I'll be replacing the walls and the obvious choice would be to tear the ceiling out and replace it too.

But because there is loose cellulose insulation above the ceiling, I'm considering just applying a second layer of drywall (using long screws) on top of the current ceiling.

I'll be adding a vent fan, and I'm prepared to cut through two layers for that. I'm also changing overhead lighting so I'll probably use box extenders.

I've seen double drywall done for fire protection, so I know it's possible. Is it a bad idea in this situation? What problems might I encounter?

Best Answer

I don’t see any problem, with multiple changes I believe it is a better way to go. Even using an electric blower to move cellulose when I pulled it down there was still a mess. The others we did were overlays.

In a bathroom is 1 place I suggest using hot mud or setting compound for those new to Sheetrock. Hot mud is affected less by moisture than standard mud. Get the 1 hour stuff not the 15 minute and when it starts to set, toss anything that's left in the pan and mix a new batch.