Drywall – Is it okay to put rigid sheet foam insulation directly over studs before installing sheetrock (fiberglass insulation would be in the walls)


We want to improve the insulation in a bedroom. Will it cause a problem (condensation, etc) if we put rigid sheet foam insulation that completely covers all the studs before installing the sheetrock? There will be fiberglass insulation between all the studs.

Best Answer

In Oregon you are primarily a heating climate. The typically thing to do is to have a vapor barrier on the warm side. Normally you insulate between the studs and then put 6mil poly and then drywall. The moisture in the air will then not hit a cold surface as your drywall is on the warm side and the air can't get to the cold exterior sheathing.

Now as far as your plan to use XPS - high density foam - on top of the studs before the drywall should be fine. The XPS is a vapor barrier but you'd need to tape the seams or have poly in front of it. Boarding will be more of a challenge though as you can't see the studs.

I don't think the screw heads are any more likely to cause a problem than the walls. If you have high RH levels you should have a dehumidifier.

Condensation on walls occurs when there is high indoor humidity and the walls are cold (insulation is bad and the heat is either low or not adequate to heat the surface of the wall). I don't see insulating / air sealing / putting up a vapor barrier making any of those things worse.