Drywall – Potential asbestos exposure from adding screws to drywall


My father manually screwed in two self-tapping screws into drywall that most likely contains asbestos in the compound. It was in a garage in a house built in 1976. It was actually those hooks that you screw into the wall to hang stuff off of.

He did not use any power drill. Is the risk of asbestos exposure low?

I understand the drywall usually doesn't contain asbestos but the compound usually did. No idea where he screwed it in.

Best Answer

IMHO Asbestos dangers have been dramatically over-stated for the general public. The people who were in real danger are people who worked with asbestos in an industrial setting, like ship workers insulating pipes, heating techs insulating pipes and ducts with asbestos etc. , day in and day out, cutting it, being exposed to it's dust.

Extremely limited exposure to asbestos like your father may have had will not result in any health problems.

Hopefully this answer will not get flagged for being opinion based because if you look at the facts, nearly everyone who got asbestosis was in an industrial or military setting. Your father is at virtually no risk from what he did.