Drywall – Putting washer dryer hookups through nearby interior wall


I recently purchased a home and will soon be putting in a washer and dryer (both electric).

The current hookups are in a small bathroom, but only a couple feet away is an interior wall, which on the other side would be the perfect placement for the washer and dryer. I really don't want to put the washer and dryer in the bathroom as the space is already cramped.

I can easily just put a hole in the wall and I believe all the connections will easily go through and I'll have enough slack in the cords.

My concern is the following:

  1. How can I do this safely? (there is an electrical outlet within a foot of where I'll put the hole.)
  2. How can I make the hole aesthetically pleasing?
  3. How can I make it so the occupant doesn't have to worry any more than usual about sound traveling through the hole
  4. How can I make it so that the occupant doesn't have to worry about someone being able to see in?

Best Answer


SJ Cord ( That cord that the dryer and washer whips are made from ) is not permitted to pass through the interior of a finished wall.