Electrical – build an electrical pole structure to hold a power wire into the property


The power pole to my house is at the back right corner of the property. However, it's a little outside my property line. I wanted to run a power line straight down along the pole and into the ground but then I would need an easement since it's actually in someone else's property.

So, can I run the line from the power pole to another pole that is within my property line, then run the line to the ground. Then run it underground all the way to my house? Basically, can I build a pole structure to hold the wire into my property? Maybe even a little shed or something, if I have to.

I don't want to run the line straight from the pole to the house because I will plant some trees that will be directly under the line.

Option: I also have a garage that is in the back left corner of the property. I guess, I could also run the power line to the garage (50' run), have a main panel in the garage, then use the house as a sub panel? The garage is currently powered by the house with an underground wire. I don't know the gauge on the wire.

Back Right Corner of Property

Back Right Corner of Property

From Backyard to Front Right Corner View

Best Answer

Moving the main service to the garage is probably the most practical option if an easement for full underground is impossible. You will almost certainly need to change the feed wire between the garage and the house for that approach, but that's similar to what you would need to do for an underground feed anyway.

Probably most practical to actually establish new service at the garage and then disconnect the old service to the house, to minimize disruption. (i.e., as opposed to "actually move it") but again, it will depend on your utility's policies and procedures.