Electrical – Can you have both 15 and 20 Amp receptacles off the same 20 Amp GFCI


Currently, in my kitchen I have a 20amp GFCI receptacle (faceplate only accepts 15amp plugs but back says it is 20 amp rated) off of that GFCI outlet there are 3 15amp receptacles, one is for a garbage disposal, the other 2 are at counter top level for usage. The breaker for the kitchen is 20amps. I have purchased two new 20amp outlets with USB charger capability for phones etc.

Is it okay to have the two receptacles at counter level be 20amp and the disposal be on a 15amp receptacle or should I return the new 20amp receptacles and install 15amp ones?

Not sure if it is correct to have both 15amp and 20amp receptacles off of the 20amp GFCI.

Best Answer

Yes you can.

(I see the OP was edited to include details and will retain the rest for the database)

Having the GFCI marked 20 Amp is so the one model can be used for either type of circuit. If you have a 20 Amp Circuit then there is no problem with using 15 Amp receptacles on the same run.


Having the receptacles is one thing. Having the wiring and circuit breaker to support 20 Amps is another matter.

Unless you have the 20 Amp breaker and proper wiring, you will want to limit the total current draw to 15 Amps.


Most 20 Amp circuits are dedicated for specific purposes. Most often there will only be one single outlet for a specific need like a computer rack or a dialysis machine.

In a GFCI situation like described here, the second outlet would most likely be very near to prevent causing the breaker to trip inadvertently. Example: Plugging in an electric heater. Something that has nothing to do with the original reason a 20 Amp circuit was installed.


Yes, you can have either or both kinds of outlets on the same circuit, and it will work well unless you exceed the amperage allowed by the circuit breaker.