Electrical – Dishwasher and garbage disposal wiring in same gang box


I am in the planning stages of renovating my kitchen. I plan on wiring my garbage disposal under the sink and using one of those air switches to control it. The wiring is not a problem. However, to prevent excessive clutter I planned on pulling the circuit for the dishwasher into the same gang box I will mount under my sink. I am not using the same circuit – each is wired independently. But I just don't want the dishwasher line coming in through the back of the sink cabinet straight to the dishwasher, I would like to have some clean wiring down there.

So I planned on pulling the DW circuit into the same box where I am putting an outlet for the disposal.

Any issues with that, other than the standard calculations for box size?

Best Answer

This is up to code even today with GFCI protection. I would locate the receptacles on the sink side so the dishwasher can be plugged in there through a hole in the cabinet as Jim Stewart commented and this would pass inspection unless there are some local code restrictions above and beyond the NEC. You could do it with a deep single gang and break the tabs on both the hot and neutral if the GFCI’s are in your panel.