Electrical – How to calculate if switching power strip on and off is safe


I am a total noob when it comes to electricity and find this questions hard to search answers for on the internet. I have the below setup:

  • Dell screen 1.5a * 230v = 345w
  • Dell screen 1.5a * 230v = 345w
  • Samsung screen 1a * 230v = 230w
  • Samsung screen 1a * 230v = 230w
  • BASF stereo amp 200w (8-16 ohm, does this matter ?)
  • WD Elements 0.6a * 230v = 138w
  • YANEC laptop charger output 90w, input unspecified (il assume input of 50w)

sum all = 1578w

all connected to Konig power strip with max 3680W max 13500a surge protection
(it has this small extra button which is the surge protection)

I am in Belgium hence the 230v.

I used to have a similar setup with another screen and my desktop pc also connected to the power strip. One day the power strip made a poof sound when I switched it on and stopped working for a while, all appliances where fine except for the computers PSU which was fried.

My little knowledge of electricity tells me that I just have to compare the wattage. So in this case 1578w < 3680w so I should be safe. But someone told me that the appliances will draw more at the moment my power strip is turned on. This would explain also how I fried my PSU.

So my question to you guys: can I safely switch my power strip on and off too effectively use it as an on/off switch for all appliances at the same time? Or will I fry one of them at some point?

Also, yes, I am aware that I could have avoided destroying my PSU if I had done this research earlier.

Best Answer

None of the items you have listed would have much of an increase in starting currents. That usually applies to motor loads. You're fine switching your power strip on and off. Did you consider the fact that maybe the power supply failed, shorted out, and that's why the power strip went poof when it tripped?