Electrical – How to fill two or more adjacent spaces on a QO panel


Is there a better way to fill two or more adjacent spaces on a Square-D "QO" panel than to use two QOFPs side by side?

I am aware of the QOFP from Square D but it is just for a single space:

enter image description here

That's all I can find.

I would have thought a 2-space blank would be an obvious thing to exist… and possibly SqD makes something else which is harder to find information on. Or could there be plates from other sources that would work?

I know there are very clear rules on which breakers could be used in what panel, but I'm not sure if a "non electrical accessory" (if that is a meaningful distinction) would also be as carefully regulated, so maybe something from another manufacturer could be used (or not).

I can presumably place several of these single plates next to each other but my recollection from another project is that even in a single space they don't fit particularly well (too small / sloppy).

Best Answer

That's a common complaint. Every maker's filler plates are a) flimsy, b) expensive, and c) hard to find.

Fortunately, Square D also sells a much more robust filler plate which solves all these problems, called the QO120.

enter image description here

They're sold everywhere, latch onto bus stabs, and aesthetically look - well, they actually are breakers!

I'm not joking. "Actual breakers" really are my go-to for filling empty panel spaces, because it solves the flimsy problem, and they're just more available. My local lumber supply stocks these, they do not stock blank covers.

As for cost, since I'll probably be fitting a circuit in the future anyway, 120V/20A breakers are a pretty safe choice because if you're adding a circuit you can always choose to use #12 wire. And they can be handle-tied for 240V/20A circuits which do not involve neutral. (though a handle-tie is another procurement bug-hunt).