Electrical – Low voltage transformer on both doorbell & furnace


I have ring video doorbell constantly have to be recharged I am thinking it's because my low voltage transformer. my transformer currently has the doorbell wire to it and the furnace both. Which I found at the light fixture in the bedroom Above the light. I am wondering if I am supposed to have 2 separate Transformers or if I can run 2 separate Transformers to give myself more juice to help the ring video doorbell to keep It charged?

Best Answer

I doubt you've overloaded a 40 VA transformer.

I think what's happened is the Ring is designed to power itself by leaking a small amount of current through the doorbell ringer (but not enough for the ringer to actually ring). Similar to how old-school dimmers leak current through the incandescent bulb. However in your case, your ringer is too small/high-impedance, and it can't leak enough power to stay alive.

The answer is put something in parallel with the doorbell ringer so current can leak around it.

You could try fitting a Lutron LUT-MLC device there (in parallel with the doorbell ringer) and see if that clears the problem. The LUT-MLC allows additional leakage to make inline-powered devices happy.