Electrical – Power a 20A device from 15A circuits


If I need ~20A to power a device, but all the available circuits in the building are 15A tops, would I be able to power said device? Perhaps using a UPS and some tomfoolery?

Best Answer

Generally, nope. But...

Is this a commercial building, or in Chicago or a few other places? Most likely your wire is in conduit. Pull some 12AWG wire and breaker it properly.

Does the machine come in a 240V version? Is there a circuit in your building that you can knock out without falling below legally required minimum outlet and receptacle locations? Convert that circuit to 240V and use that. You will only need 10A at 240V.

Is it a machine capable of taking multiple power supply inputs? Many server-tier PCs or UPSs are capable of drawing from redundant power supplies, and current-limiting themselves. Internally they convert to DC onto a shared DC bus, which is the only electrical way to gang supply from multiple circuits.

Is it, or can it be broken into, several separate machines on a rack? Nobody cares if 2 servers on a rack are plugged into 2 different circuits.

Is it a welder? Special rules apply.

Is this an older air conditioner? Talk to your power company about whether they have an appliance upgrade program. Often they will buy you a new, efficient air conditioner because it will save X watts of power on the power grid, and that is actually cheaper than building X watts of additional power plant.