Electrical – Sprinkler System Wire cut accidentally


I moved into this house last year. When the cable guy came last year he cut the sprinkler system wire by accident. At the time I didn't know what these wires were for. After spending hours today, I found out the wires he cut were for the sprinkler system.

My question is, what is the safest way to reattach the wires? I found that these wires only have 24 volts current. Can I buy 10 feet sprinker wire and reattach it or do I need some sort of junction box? I cannot replace the entire wire since it's going through the garden bed and it's a long distance.

enter image description here
enter image description here

It's going from that black tape to the bottom of the siding

Best Answer

Use a junction box anyway

The goal is to make the splices in dry space so they don't fail later. The primary water-keeping-out strategy is to have the wires enter the bottom. Trying to watertight electrical boxes "like a boat" is generally a lost cause.

Go to a real electrical supply house. Get

  • an outdoor junction box with 2 entries on one side, ideally 4" x4" so you have extra room to work.
  • A blank cover for the box
  • Two strain reliefs of the correct size for the cables. They should not be watertight strain reliefs. And
  • A few small (blue) wire nuts, ideally Ideal. Don't over-buy the nuts, they have little use outside thermostat, doorbell and rewiring fluorescent lights.

The reason to use a proper electrical supply house is the lid will fit the box, and the strain reliefs will be the correct size and type. Also it will take 3 minutes instead of an hour. And will be cheaper. And won't involve bad advice!

On the bench, plug and seal any holes not on the bottom with the supplied plugs and silicone. Strip wire ends. Mount the box, fish the wires in with the strain reliefs, and make your splices. Cover on, done!