Electrical – Why is the outlet voltage abnormal


I just moved to a house which was built in 1958 (almost 60 years ago).

One GFCI outlet has the indicator light on but no power when plug in appliance.
So I opened it and measured the voltage with a multimeter. It is very strange. See below diagram:

enter image description here

I guess A and B is input line whilst C and D is output line to other outlets.
When I measure it, I have removed the GFCI receptacle. Why A and D still has 5.5v?

And I didn't find ground line from the outlet.

If I connect A,B to LOAD and C,D to LINE of the GFCI receptacle my receptacle indicator light is on but recepacle itself is always off. When I press the reset/test button there is no effect.

I still cannot figure out what's wrong.

Best Answer

If A and B are the wires coming from the breaker, they should be connected to the LINE terminals of the GFCI. C and D; that go off to serve other loads, should be connected to the LOAD terminals. If when connected properly, the GFCI will not reset. It means that the GFCI device is dead, and needs to be replaced.

Since C & D are "floating", the 5.5 volts could be phantom voltage induced by other electrical lines in close proximity to these lines, or any other magnetic field. A low impedance voltmeter could be used to rule out phantom (ghost) voltage. However, since lines C & D have no reference to the electrical system (floating), don't expect a meaningful reading.