Electrical – Wiring from Oven to Switch


Wiring Layout

At the moment under the oven switch the cable is plastered over (without capping) till it reaches under the counter; there it pops out of the raw plaster and is draped across the back of the units to the double-oven housing where its just wired into the back of the oven.

My sparky suggested channeling out the wall (light blue line) down and across, then capping it. But I was wondering if it was better, or if theres any reason not to channel straight down to the floor boards, then tac the cable to the joist across the width of the kitchen before coming up (channeling again) to the cooker connection point (as in the purple line).

The blue line would be 70cm high; total length of cable travel 150cm
And this is in the UK.

Best Answer

In some places it is illegal to run hidden power cables horizontally across walls unless they are within a specific short distance from floor or ceiling.

For example, in the UK I believe all power cables to/from a mid-wall switch must run vertically to or until near the floor/ceiling.

So, the answer may depend where you live.

enter image description here

Reference: IET cables in walls