Flooring – Can you install grouted floor tile over padding


Can you install floor tile over padding? The floor tile is standard tile that will require grouting.

I'm concerned the tile and/or grouting will crack due to the padding. The purpose of the padding is to reduce the noise of foot traffic in the room below. Sound dampening padding is fairly thin, and not nearly as thick as carpet padding.

Best Answer

In almost all cases this is a no. There are waterproofing systems you can use but not flooring pad. When you lay your tile the pad will move a little and cause issues. In essence with a pad you are creating a giant floating tile floor.

Note: To reduce sound from the floor you want to do two things.

  1. Build up the subfloor. Adding an inch of plywood plus 1/2 inch durarock will take out a good % of any sound.
  2. Add insulation in the cavity below floor.

The padding you are thinking about leaving might reduce sound by 1%. Sound is due to weight disbursement - generally speaking. A 200 pound person running around will make sound. 10 pounds of padding underneath them will have no affect. I am sure someone can comment on the science of this. But the two things you want to do are create a buffer (pad is thin and almost no buffer) and keep your joists from moving (pad does nothing at all there).