GFCI equipped machines into GFCI receptacle


I have a personal bowling ball cleaning machine that states "plug to a non-GFCI outlet" which means it has built-in GFCI however, in the area I am living, all receptacles must be GFCI protected and this comes from the main breaker board to every receptacle in the facility. So whenever the machine is plugged in, the breaker goes off.

Firstly, are GFCI equipped machines supposed to work when plugged into GFCI protected circuit? If not, is there a way to connect GFCI equipment to GFCI receptacle by by-passing through, say a transformer, between the cleaning machine and the receptacle? I want to stay away from doing tricks at the receptacle level as I would think the circuit itself will detect and will not work.

I really need help here, thank you so much for any help you can give me in advance!

Best Answer

There is no reason one GFCI should cancel out another GFCI. Don't trust that the device is GFCI-protected unless it specifically states so. As Ed Beal mentioned in his comment, it seems likely that the device is actually leaking current, and thus causing a (not unreasonable) trip in your GFCI-breaker.

My advice would be to call the maker of the device to ask specifically why it states not to plug into a GFCI outlet. They should also be able to tell you what they recommend you use, since you don't have a non-GFCI outlet.

If, as you mention, the GFCI protection is in your breaker, you are correct that there aren't any outlet tricks you could perform to create a non-GFCI outlet, and in most cases you should avoid removing this protection anyways.

UPDATE: I'm updating my answer in response to more information from the OP in comments.

Since you have confirmed the device has it's own GFCI, I would recommend calling your local planning/permitting authority, or a licensed electrician, and asking them what your options are. It may be possible to install a dedicated outlet, or perhaps hard-wire this device, within code. Without knowing exactly what your local code is, I can't recommend any other action.