How to effectively hide cables under the carpet or around the room


Current situation:

I have recently hooked up my PC to my new room setup. The problem is, the LAN cable is exactly in the middle of the other side of the room. Here's a quick sketch of my room (horribly out of proportion):

enter image description here

The red line is the LAN cable, and the gray area is my carpet. You can see that on the other side of the room, the cable goes under the carpet. This is annoying in two ways:

  • The cable is loose. If anyone slips on the carpet hard enough, it slips right out of my PC.
  • The carpet has a pretty visible bulge.

Currently, without a lot of effort, I can't put the cable under the.. wooden thing (I do not know the name, here's an image:)

enter image description here

(Image source:

This is because I would need to rearrange my wardrobe and bed. Also, the cable would need to go under my heater, and I do not want to risk any damage to my cable from the heat.

So I pretty much have no idea.

  • Is there any better way of arranging my cable around my room?
  • Can I somehow hide the bulge on my carpet?

(Note: WiFi is not an option 😉 )

Best Answer

Go up and over the door, and along the top of the wall. then down the wall to the computer. Use wiremold cable duct to make it neat. wiremold is a brand-name, I guess. Cable duct is more generic.
