Kitchens – Can new cabinets be installed with old floor tile cutouts


I'm doing a kitchen remodel. After ripping out the cabinets, I noticed that there were no tiles underneath them. Since the tiles are in good shape, is it possible use this exact same tile cutout with new cabinets? How likely is the new cabinet going to exactly fit these cutouts? Do the new cabinets even need to match exactly? Or is it much more preferable to install new floor tiles wall-to-wall?

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Best Answer

Are you ordering custom cabinets? If so yes they can be mad to fit. If ordering premade cabinets. If the cabinet is larger the tile can be cut to allow the cabinet to fit. If the premade cabinets are smaller molding can be added to hide the gaps matching grout colors is almost impossible. Depending on the size of the kitchen the above choices may save a large amount of $.