Kitchens – How to protect ultra thin paint on new kitchen cabinets


I just got new kitchen cabinets, and the paint on the doors (which are hard wood) is ultra-ultra thin. It seems like it will scratch very easily. Is there a way to protect?

They are being installed now. Is it reasonable for me to ask for something with a thicker stain/paint/better level of protection (as opposed to this thin paint)? Or can I add a polyurethane to protect them? I think they look kind of cheap due to the ultra thin paint

enter image description here

Related question – the cabinets are plywood and also have this very thin protective coating (if you notice the edge between the front and the top, you will see just how thin the stain/paint is… I would like to beef them up somehow..

Best Answer

The plywood today & especially the stuff used in mass production cabinetry is a super thin finished surface skin that's part of the plywood. I would call the manufacturer & see if they have any information on what "finish" is comprised of & what they may recommend as an additional Clear Coat. The manufacturer will likely not say anything, since you'd be screwing with their product, but it's worth a shot to at least find out what's on there.

By all rights it should be a normal wood stain covered by a coat or 2 of polyurethane clear coat. This should be sufficient for the next few years or normal use. I'd refrain from doing anything else as you're likely to ruin the spray-on factory look, especially if you would plan on brushing on another coat or 3 of clear coat or haven't done it before.