Kitchens – How to remove and replace kitchen tile backsplash


backsplashIt's time to replace a tile backsplash, which is course textured, thick, and appears cut to fit around cabinets.

Is there a reasonable way to chip it off and preserve the underlying wallboard, or must I demo back to the studs and replace the wallboard as well as the tile?

If a wallboard demo is needed, does this mean removing and re-hanging cabinets?


Best Answer

If the tile is not behind the cabinets, which it should not be it is simple to remove. Use a dremel and a good quality diamond grout bit. Start on a edge or the bottom corner and remove most of the grout. Use a hammer and chisel to get under the tile and lightly pry and pound with caution. The maybe a few spots that might be more stuck than others. If tiles break rather than fall apart at grout lines its probably the spot where quikset was used to stick it. Use the same technique with more force it should still come off. If not hit the tile hard and flat to break the tile and it will come off. If cabinets were hung over the tile you could use a diamond blade and cut around the cabinets and re tile around them.