Leaky bathroom faucet – can’t find screw on handle


Hoping to get help with fixing a leaky faucet in my bathroom. It is dripping at about a drop per second. The water is cold, so I believe it is the cold handle that is the issue (is that an appropriate assumption?)

I was watching YouTube videos for assistance and the first step seems always to remove the handle to investigate the issue. The immediate problem is that I can't figure out how to remove the handle. I do not see a screw anywhere and I cannot find the type or model of the faucet. Below are some pictures. Any advice?

cold handle

under sink

Thank you.

Best Answer

grab the round base right below the handle that turns the water on and twist ccw to unscrew the faucet. this is a moen faucet. however, I have the same faucet in my bathroom. I called moen for parts and they said that most parts are not available since they discontinued production of this faucet. iF YOU ARE THE ORIGINAL OWNER of the faucet and can prove it they will send you a new faucet at no charge if the parts needed are not available.