N alternative and less toxic way to clean an oven than using oven spray


I have drippings that have caked on to the botton surface of my oven. Now, every time we use the oven, they start to smoke and set off the smoke detector.

What are some natural ways to clean the oven? There's probably some major scrubbing in my future. 🙂

Best Answer

  • Create a mixture of water, vinegar and a spash of lemon juice (for smell only) in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the mixture on the dirty surfaces in the oven.-
  • Sprinkle baking soda over the mixture.
  • Begin scrubbing these areas with a very fine steel wool until the areas are clean.
  • Wipe out the oven with a dry towel.
  • Wet a sponge and go over the areas again to get all the remaining vinegar and baking soda out of the oven.

You might try asking this question on the cooking stackexchange as well, as I'm sure they would have some good answers.