Patch and Paint a Desk Surface


I'd like to patch the chip in this desk surface and paint the entire surface. The chip is on the back, so I can afford it not being perfect, just something to level out that wont be noticeable under fresh paint.

Can someone give me advice on fixing the chip, and what paint would be best for this type of project? It will be primarily a computer desk with minimal abuse, not a workbench.

Desk Surface Chip

Best Answer

I would use a high-performance 2-part wood filler (it's kinda like auto body filler). Overfill the area then shave it down with a Surform plane (a cheesegrater plane), then use coarse, medium, and fine sandpaper to smooth.

That desk could present problems regarding paint, the surface (it looks like a shiny laminate) is designed for stuff not to stick to it. I would fine sand the top, paint it with a "difficult surface" primer like BIN, then finish off with a high quality gloss paint. If you use lame brushes, your paint job will be lame so do the opposite of that.

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