Plumbing – Going from dual bowl sink to single bowl


enter image description hereI am going from an old dual bowl sink, which contained a garbage disposal which I am trashing, to a single bowl sink.

I have a Y pvc splitter glued to the waste line. Is there a way to cap off one of the ends of the splitter?

With the one remaining open port I was planning on purchasing a new p-trap and straight pipe with dishwasher runoff plugin to attach to the new sink.

Am I missing anything in connecting to a new sink? Do I need to have a plumber come and remove the Y-splitter and start with a fresh connection to the waste line?


Best Answer

I would not call a plumber. I would see if I could get a plug fitting for the slip joint nearest the Y and remove the left hand branch (no cutting or gluing). This frees up space under the sink. EDIT I couldn't find what I was thinking of, but there must be some fittings that would seal the 1 1/2" drain pipe.

You would connect what appears to be the dishwasher drain to a special tailpiece designed for DW connection above the trap on the right side. DW tailpiece, e.g., or get a longer one if needed: Watts long DW tailpiece