Plumbing – How to repair this punctured pipe in the garden


So I did a silly thing this weekend while digging out a tree root/stump… I managed to partially (1/3) cut through the buried pipe that runs down our garden to feed an outside tap. (Fortunately it is easy to isolate just this pipe!

How can I fix the pipe?

Is there something I can put over it or do I need to cut it completely and put some sort of joint in? If I need to put a joint in, what should I use? Is there any special considerations given its buried?
enter image description here

Best Answer

Thanks to Tyson's comments above and some reading online I figured out how to repair the pipe and even leaks!

Turns out the pipe is a 20 mm MDPE pipe so it could be repaired by putting a joint in the pipe. This was done by cutting the pipe and trimming off the pierced section, then putting pipe inserts into either end of the pipe. It could then be joined using a straight pipe coupling.

The pipe inserts are required to stop the pipe getting squeezed/crushed when pushing into and tightening the coupling.

Photos of the inserts and finished fix:

Finished repairenter image description here