Plumbing – How to seal a garden hose against a nipple


I put a nipple on the end of a garden hose. It leaks when I close the valve at the other end of the hose.

I have pushed the hose all the way up the nipple. It's sealed really tight. I could barely get it off. I have tried using one and two hose clamps to seal it even tighter, without any success. What should I do?

The nipple and hose look like these:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

Assuming the nipple is not bent out-of-round or otherwise defective, and assuming the hose is not so old as to be brittle, cracked, inflexible, I'd suggest:

  1. scrub clean the inside of the hose with, say, a tooth brush

  2. let it dry well

  3. apply almost any kind of caulk (silicone, construction, or ...) to the inside of the hose smearing it against the inside wall of the hose

  4. apply more to the full length of the nipple

  5. assemble

  6. apply hose clamps

  7. use