Repairing fiberglass garage door panel with large hole


large hole in corrugated fiberglass panel

This large hole came with the garage when we bought the house. I would like to repair this to make it look a lot better, and at least keep prowling cats out. The backing you see in the picture behind the hole is just a floor tile I have propped up against it. I'm asking for repair steps rather than suggestions to replace the entire panel. It is important to me to match the corrugations with a repair and make it look like a decent repair, not a new panel.

width of hole

The hole's dimensions are roughly 11" x 11".

Best Answer

Find a good section of door with the same pattern.

Spray release chemical on that section of door. Build a box/frame with a back around this area.

Fill the box with expanding foam, so it extrudes against the door area.

Release the foam and box from the door. You now have a mold.

Paint the mold with just enough epoxy to give it a hard shell (harder than normal foam).

Spray the foam and box with release agent.

Move this foam and box over to the damaged area and attach it to the door.

Now you have a mold to do a fiberglas layup in the normal way.