Tile – Should tile floors be cleaned with vinegar only? Is the advice against using other solutions a theth


After we had ceramic tile installed at our house, the company said we should just clean with vinegar and water mixture. However, I haven't been able to find anywhere online that says that using Pine-Sol or other cleaning solutions (like Swiffer sprayer thing) damages the tile.

In fact, this is what the company says.

Recommended “To Do’s”

• Clean your new Flooring with a damp mop once a week or more,
depending on the amount of traffic. Heavy traffic areas should be
mopped more often than once a week.

• Use an all-purpose, non-oil based household or commercial cleaner.
Ensure that the cleaner is compatible with the grout cleaner
recommendations in the maintenance and protection section. You can
also use a cleaning solution of one cup of white vinegar to two
gallons of tap water.

• Cleaning spills off of Porcelain & Ceramic Flooring is generally
easier than other types of flooring. The entire area should be cleaned
and scrubbed with a cleansing solution using a cotton mop, cloth,
sponge or non-metallic brush. The entire area should then be rinsed
with clean water to remove any residue left on the Flooring from the
cleaning solution.

• Sweep or vacuum your tile Empire Flooring prior to mopping to remove
any dust or debris.

Recommended “Not To Do”

• Use a detergent or soap because it may dull the surface and
potentially promote the growth of mildew.

Other Care Instructions

• Routine cleaners used on your Porcelain & Ceramic Flooring should
never contain acids or ammonia because they can discolor the grout
and/or damage the grout and the glazed surface of the Flooring.

• You should allow your new Ceramic Flooring and grout to set and dry
for at least 72 hours after installation before damp mopping it.

Of course, the cleaning agents claim they're safe on wood and tile (we
have both), but at the same time I don't want to damage the new tile.
Anyone with tile experience actually know if the claim that using anything but vinegar and water is bogus?

Update: Fixed question and title to better reflect original intent of the question.

Best Answer

In the to-do section of the care instructions you posted, it suggests "Use an all-purpose, non-oil based household or commercial cleaner." OR, it says, you can use vinegar/water.

I think you are over-analyzing. The normal floor mopping solutions like Pine-Sol or a Swiffer will work fine. Just don't use anything abrasive that will scratch the tile or an aggressive bathroom "tile/grout cleaner" that is meant to bleach and renew grout that is stained.

If you're concerned about a particular cleaner, you could always test a small section that is out of sight. You can also apply a "grout sealer" solution over the grout lines. This is tedious, but can help slow down staining of the grout.