Walls – What do I need to do to prepare to remove a textured (popcorn) walls



  1. What are some things I should definitely know?
  2. What will be behind my popcorn wall? (The original wall we put the popcorn over?)
  3. Since masks are out of stock because of the Covid19 virus. What should I use for respiratory protection?
  4. I know I must wet it to scrape it. Can I use a spray bottle?
  5. Will the fact that my popcorn walls are painted affect removal?

The wall was put on probably 90s/80s/2000s
It’s been through 4 generations of teen girls, my mom asked for it because a guy my grandpa knew was able to put them on. Popcorn walls are uncommon but they unfortunately exist

It was put in 1998/1999 my mom said. They said they put it over just a regular wall.
Here's what the walls look like:

enter image description here

Best Answer

As noted in the comments, you * NEED * to be positive that this isn't 70s vintage, because of the possibility of asbestos. If this was my house, I'd send a sample to a lab.

What's behind the wall depends on the vintage of the house itself. If it's post-50s, it's probably a manufactured board product like drywall. Prior to that, it's apt to be some kind of lath/plaster. Either way, you'll have some sort of a substrate to work from. Don't expect it to be in perfect shape after you've removed the texture -- you'll probably have to skim the whole thing. (This is where the comment about adding a new layer of thin drywall starts to look pretty good, though trim and electrical boxes need to figure into the calculation...)

Mask-wise, you should probably wait until you can procure a mask. This emergency isn't going to last forever in the way that you want your lungs to last forever.

When actually scraping, a spray bottle is probably the best option.

Paint layers on texture will make it much harder to scrape, as the moisture you're applying won't seep in as much. A sharp scraper will help, which usually means either a lot of blades, or the ability to quickly and easily sharpen them yourself throughout the day.