Water – Caulking wood panels at bottom of bay window configuration


A contractor doing some other work around the house noticed a small section of wood on the panel of the bay window in this picture was starting to soften. He recommended caulking the bottom to keep water from sitting there and getting behind the bottom area of the wood panel. I questioned him because some recommend keeping that area open for water to escape. Should I dig the caulk out or is it probably fine either way.
Thanks for your opinions.

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Best Answer

I wouldn't be in any hurry to caulk that up just yet. I'd be investigating why there's water down there. Check your entire bay window for any cracks in the frame or any cracked caulk on the outside. I'd also dig that old caulk out and slide in some paper towels just to get an idea of how much water was getting in there. If you do find some areas outside that are bad and recaulk them, you would be able to monitor your success with the paper towel method.